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I have been neglecting this splendid site - not only from going on holiday but I also rashly signed up to the Script Frenzy challenge to write at least 100 pages of a script during April.
Job now done - the first draft is in the bag: a dark and somewhat melodramatic modern tragedy. May's task will be to reread and rework and decide whether it's any good...
A shout out to my sister-in-law Frankie who put me on to this and is also a Script Frenzy winner.
Normal music service to be resumed shortly: I'm going to see Mike Heron with Nick Pynn next week and there are excellent new albums by (amongst others) Steve Earle, Bill Callahan, Trembling Bells and Paul Simon to enthuse about.
I didn't even comment on record Store Day, but I did my duty - lovely to reacquaint myself with the first Nickel Creek album, on vinyl for the first time. And many thanks for the Red Crayola single, Jess

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