The Great Escape - PS

An update on Alexander Tucker - he must just have been having a bad sound day when I saw him: I've been listening to his album Dorwytch and it's very good, with all the delicacy and beauty I'd been hoping for.
Top edenontheline tips from the Great Escape (assuming everyone knows all about Sufjan already):
- Cloud Control - snap up the album and see them in small places while you still can
- Brasstronaut - ditto. They're always going to be a bit more of a cult band, but it's a cult well worth signing up to.
- Woodenbox With A Fistful Of Fivers - head for Stornoway in July.
- Thus:Owls - Lynne Truss might not approve, but I do.
- Woodhands - just to prove I wasn't making it up, have a look here...
Looking forward to next year.

great escape,

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