50 Things

Not far off being the most recent song I've written, reflecting on hitting 50 - which it makes it over three years old. About time the muse came calling again...
On this trip it comes down to connections:
The lines we find to join up all the dots.
The lines that move in different directions
Across the treasure map to mark our spot.
History forms our frames and pictures fill them:
Old places and old faces here today.
Schools and college, bands and jobs and children;
The friends we’ve kept and lost along the way.
Take me back to Spike’s Spit on the Ribble.
Take me back to swim at Monterey.
From the shock and thrill of an early summer river
To moonlight on a warm and waveless bay.
Rise up with the magic of the music,
Levitate from wood and steel strings.
Listen to the rhymes that twine around it.
Listen while I sing…..these 50 things.
The sun burns morning BC mist from Dutch Lake,
Turns a stark noon spot on an old town wall in Greece.
It sinks into a red sea off Key West, FLA;
Leaves a Dordogne sky to shooting stars and peace.
Each day lights a new, familiar ocean;
We find fresh tides while older currents run:
As we catch a glimpse of two blonde children
In the bright eyes of the women they’ve become.
(You can listen to an acoustic demo here.)

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